
News & Info

23/02/24 - Food Hygiene Rating 5

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a 5-star rating following a recent routine inspection by the isle of wight environmental health department! This "Very Good" rating reflects our commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone. 

08/12/23 - Christmas Newsletter
Please download our latest newsletter.

08/12/23 - New 2 year funding for working parents.

Chatterbox will be offering 2 year old funded places for working parents from April 2024.
You can apply from January. Places will be limited. Book your place now.

Visit the Childcare Choices website to find out more: childcarechoices.gov.uk

11/10/23 - Autumn Newsletter

Please download our latest newsletter.

04/10/23 - Ofsted Inspection

Download our latest Ofsted inspection.

21/09/23 - Two Year Old Funding

Starting in April 2024, the government will extend eligibility for two-year funding to all working families. This means that parents of two-year-olds will be able to receive up to 15 hours of funded childcare per week, starting the term after their child's second birthday.

17/09/23 - Starting School

If your child is due to be starting school in September 2024, you should have received a letter explaining how to apply. If you have not received a letter, please ask a member of staff.

27/07/23 - First Aid Training

Our team have recently completed a 2 day paediatric first aid course. All the team at Chatterbox are qualified paediatric first aiders.

24/05/23 - 30 Hours Free Childcare

Don't forget parents who are working and have a 3 or 4 year old wanting to claim 30 hours funding must make sure they have applied to HMRC no later than 31st August. All parents with a code, make sure your details are up to date.

Visit https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk or speak to a member of staff.

24/03/23 - Road Works

Please note from Monday 27th March due to road works Melville Street will temporarily become a one way street from Dover Street towards the town centre. Island Roads have said that parking will still be available as normal outside the nursery.

17/03/23 - New Castle In Garden

Some of the children from the baby department enjoy exploring the new castle in the garden. A ramp to the platform develops their walking and balance and underneath the castle is a cosy den to play hide and seek with friends.

14/3/23 - 30 hours funding

All parents who are working, have a 3 or 4 year old and want to claim 30 hours funding, MUST make sure they have applied to HMRC no later than 31 March 2023. 

10/03/23 - Dates for Your Diary

Easter holidays are from Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April. We are open as usual to all children who stretch their funding or pay extra for holidays. Please note we are closed for the Bank Holidays.

19/01/23 - Wheeze Webinar

Does your child suffer with wheeze when they have coughs and colds? If you want to find out more join The Paediatric Respiratory Nursing Team from Frimley Health. Friday 27/01/23 1pm-2pm via Teams.
Sign up today bit.ly/JanWheeze

03/01/23 - Applying for School

If you child is due to go to school
next September you have until January 15th 2023 to apply.

For further information go to www.iwight.com/schooladmissions

01/01/23 - Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful New Year

19/12/22 - Dates for Your Diary

Christmas & New Year
Friday 23rd Dec Open
Monday 26th Dec Closed
Tuesday 27th Dec Closed
Wednesday 28th Dec Open
Thursday 29th Dec Open
Friday 30th Dec Open
Monday 2nd Jan (New Years Day) Closed
Tuesday 3rd Jan Open as normal

Term Time Children
Last Day Friday 16th December 2022
First Day Back Tuesday 3rd January

12/12/22 - Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter

13/09/22 - In Memory of Her Majesty The Queen

As a mark of respect we will be closed on the day of the funeral Monday 19th September.

04/08/22 - Keeping Hydrated

During this hot weather it's really important for children to keep well hydrated. Young children may not ask for drink just because they are "thirsty", so it's important to make sure they are given a drink often. At nursery we have regular drink stops in addition to water being available on demand.

08/04/22 - Easter Holidays

Easter holidays are from Monday 11th to Friday 22nd. We are open as usual to all children who stretch their funding or pay extra for holidays. 

23/03/22 - Food Hygiene

We are pleased to announce that following a recent routine inspection we have maintained our food hygiene rating of very good.

01/03/22 - Pancake Day

We had lots of pancakes at nursery today topped with strawberries, blueberries and just a little syrup.

18/02/22 - Bad Weather Update

We are open today as normal providing full care for Babies and Preschool.

18/02/22 - 30 Hours Childcare 

Don't forget parents who are working and have a 3 or 4 year old wanting to claim 30 hours funding must make sure they have applied to HMRC no later than 31 March 2022. All parents with a code, make sure your details are up to date.

Visit  https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk or speak to a member of staff.

07/02/22 - Feb Half Term

February Half Term is from Monday 21st to Friday 25th. We are open as usual to all children who stretch their funding or pay extra for holidays.

04/01/22 - Starting School

If your child is starting school in September please remember applications must be completed no later than 15th January 2022.

04/01/22 - Happy New Year

We would like to wish all our parents, carers and children a very Happy New Year.

03/05/21 - Road Works

Island Roads will be re-surfacing Melville Street from the junction with Dover Street up to Trinity Street (The road in front of the Nursery). Parking will be restricted in the area so please leave plenty of time for drop off and collection by car.

12/04/21 - Puppet Show

Preschool now has a new dedicated puppet theatre so the children can put on their own shows to their friends.

03/03/21 - New Kitchen

Replaced our old kitchen with our new Community Playthings kitchen. Complete with washing machine, sink, dressers, oven, hob and microwave. Everything needed for kitchen role play.

04/02/2021 - Covid Safe

Keeping COVID safe. Information leaflet for parents and carers on how we are keeping children COVID safe.

08/12/2020 - Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter

07/12/2020 - Christmas Tree

Decorated the nursery over the weekend. 
Everywhere looks very festive.

03/12/20 - Jumper Day

Don't forget Friday 11th December is Christmas Jumper day. 

28/07/2020 - Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

24/06/20 - Update

We are pleased to announce we have updated our website. 

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Chatterbox Nursery Ltd
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